c e r a m i c s

Joëlle grew up with lot's of different ceramics and pottery collected by her family. So it's not a suprise she has this thing for handmade ceramics and nice table settings too. A few years ago she started to learn how to make pottery and porcelain figures herself. She now makes unique, colourful, ceramic bowls, planters and porcelain figures. 

PORCELAIN BUTTERFLIES | +- 8 cm | €35,- 
HANDMADE BOWLS DOTS & GOLD medium | +- 17cm | €60,- 
HANDMADE BOWLS DOTS & GOLD small  | +- 13cm | €50,- 
HANDMADE BOWLS DOTS medium | +- 16cm | €35,-
HANDMADE BOWLS DOTS small | +- 12cm | €20,-

Interested in one of these ceramics of Joëlle Wehkamp?
Just send me an email and more info will follow | sjoesjoe@live.com

All images, prints & illustrations © © Joëlle Wehkamp
may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
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